Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Pennartz

Attorney and mediator

(→ German Version)

  • Copyright and Media law
  • Employment law
  • Contract drafting and negotiation
  • Mediation and conflict management


phone +49 89 544 796 0
fax +49 89 544 796 66

Bavariaring 26 · 80336 Munich / Germany

Attorney and mediator Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Pennartz

My services

  • Reviewing, designing and negotiating contracts from all areas of music, especially Clas-sical music (performance agreements, artist agreements, author agreements, publishing agreements, agency agreements, photographer agreements, actor agreements, cooper-ation agreements, recording and licence agreements, concert agreements, sponsorship agreements, brand ambassador agreements, testimonial agreements, management agreements, deeds of assignment, GEMA and GVL, general terms and conditions, distri-bution agreements, moral rights) for soloists, conductors, orchestras, festivals, agencies and event organizers performing and operating nationally and internationally.
  • Enforcement of intellectual property rights: copyright, unfair practices, trademark law.
  • Cease-and-desist, correction, preparatory information, damages, expense compensation.
    Defending against unjustified claims and demands.
    Preparing and enforcing claims for payment, in and out of court (licenses, compensa-tion/fees, participation, damages, recovery etc.).
  • Crisis communication and reputation management, protection of image and reputation on the Internet and in other media (protection of personal rights); notification of and communication with affected parties, public authorities, and the public in crisis situations.
  • Consulting and coaching (workshops, training, courses and seminars).
  • Mediation and conflict management (mediation, business mediation, non-violent com-munication, seminars / workshops / coaching, reviewing, introducing and supervising conflict management systems in companies, administrative bodies or institutions).

Legal specialization

  • Employment law
  • Mediation and conflict management
  • Copyright and Media law (photography, image, book, music, film, publisher, mer-chandising, statements etc.)
  • Competition law (especially actions against unfair practices, product imitation, reputation damage etc.)
  • Trademark law (trademarks, title copyright & names)
    (Trademark registration, trademark search, conflict review, opposition proceedings, can-cellation actions etc.)


  • Stefan Pennartz 150610 2Studied law in Regensburg and Munich
  • Attorney since 1993
  • Corporate counsel to KOCH International group (1995 – 2000)
  • Partner at Schoepe Fette Pennartz Reinke Rechtsanwälte für Kultur & Entertainment
  • 1997 – 2008: Lecturer in business law, employment law, and online law at the Munich University (Hochschule München)
  • Since 2008: Professor of business law at FOM University of applied Sciences (FOM Hochschule)
  • Partner at K&E Rechtsanwälte für Kultur & Entertainment, Munich


  • Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht e.V. (GRUR e.V.) (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)
  • Freundeskreis Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks e.V. (Friends of the Bavarian Radio Choir)
  • Deutsch-Österreichische Juristenvereinigung (German-Austrian Lawyers’ Association)


  • Mediator focussing on business mediation, conflict management

Publications (selection)

  • Pennartz, S. (2019) KuK Campus: Urheberrecht - Basics für Künstler und Kreative im digitalen Zeitalter, Vortrag am 14.11.2019
  • Pennartz, S. (2018) Das Urheberrechts-Wissensgesellschafts-Gesetz 2018, URL: FOM Newsbox Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht
  • Pennartz, S. (2016) Sonstige freie Nutzungen, in: Prof. Dr. Dr. Marcel Bisges (Hrsg.), Handbuch Urheberrecht, 1. Aufl., S. 321-333, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, ISBN: 978 3 503 166 183, ISSN: 1865 4185
  • Pennartz, S., Bell, R.: Die Nutzung von geschützten Werken in Forschung und Lehre vs. Urhebergesetz, Verwaltungsrundschau 12/2013
  • Pennartz, S.: FOM Newsbox, Das Mediationsgesetz (MediationsG), November 2012
  • Pennartz, S., Berg, J.: Schutzfristenverlängerung , MMR-Aktuell 2012, p. 7 – 10
  • Pennartz, S., Büttner, R.: Elektronische Arbeitsmarktplattform / Perspektiven in der Leiharbeit, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht 5/11
  • Pennartz, S.: Digitaler Zugang zu Wissen und Information durch die Hochschulbibliotheken und das Urheberrechtsgesetz, Verwaltungsrundschau 2009, Issue 5, p. 166-168

Presentations (selection)

  • 2 June 2014: “Copyright in adult education centres” Copyright in online courses. Topic presentation and workshop in preparation for the FIT continuing education at Bayerischer Volkshochschulverband e.V.
  • May 2012: “Copyright Extension for Phonograms” Classical:NEXT in Munich
  • 29 April 2010: “Copyright aspects” Workshop on IT-relevant instruction, notification, and monitoring requirements and rights in businesses and corporations at Deutsche Gesell-schaft für Recht und Informatik e.V.